Wednesday, August 22, 2012

They Say

"They Say" is my favorite article yet. They say, but who's they? what a great topic for an open discussion. if you introduced that first paragraph to a classroom full of people the discussion would go on for hours. the article is basically implying that they say and we do. and then asking the question who's they? well that's a good question but "they" is the people we have been trained by on how to live. "they" are the ones that we look up to because they're in the mainstream and on t.v. telling us what is cool and what isn't cool. what looks good and what looks bad. the thing that hooked me about this article was that it is so true. the author talks about the sales person in GAP telling you if those blue jeans are right for you or not. how do we know that they're opinion is the one that matters? well because that's what are beliefes have been based upon over the years. we believe their input because we are told to. who else is around to give their real opinion but you and the sales associate. some of us do not realize that the sales associate is a person, just like us but will do anything to increase sales because they benefit from it. They do not care about your well being and what makes you look good but we are sought to believe that they actually do. i totally agree with everything this author says. The author also mentions the internet and all that it is able to do now a days including banking online and putting very important very personal info on there. and the scary, but truthful fact is that any 14-year old with skill can access it. Very  interesting and fun article.

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